Sunlight ranked a TOP 5 Rising Vendors HCI Software Solution by analyst firm DCIG

DCIG, an analyst firm, has released its 2023-24 Top 5 Rising Vendors HCI Software Solutions Report., a company specializing in hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) platforms for edge applications, has been included in the report.
The report recognizes for its HyperConverged Edge and NexCenter Management solution.’s HCI software simplifies IT infrastructure management, provides automation features, and ensures data security and protection.
The report evaluated 15 software solutions for their HCI capabilities and divided criteria for ranking into four categories: deployment capabilities, data protection, product and performance management, and technical support. Five vendors, including Sunlight, are ranked in the ‘DCIG Top 5 HCI Software Solution category.
Sunlight CEO, Tom Flink, says “We’re delighted to have been recognized by DCIG for our HyperConverged Edge and NexCenter Management solution. The Sunlight team has a long-standing history in hyperconvergence and could see the need to build a brand new stack that is suitable for the far edge — where compute is required outside of the data center, close to the source, in highly distributed and often remote and harsh environments.”
The HCI software layer simplifies IT infrastructure by collapsing the three pillars of data center architecture: compute, storage, and networking infrastructure. HCI software offers cost savings by using commodity hardware and virtualizing components to extract more work from physical resources.
According to DCIG, there are several different use cases for HCI. In terms of edge computing, the firm says “HCI becomes a natural fit for providing IT infrastructure at the edge because of HCI’s compact footprint and remote management capabilities.” Two small nodes are all it takes to build a highly available HCI solution with all the data protection and security features necessary for edge computing, the firm says.
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device management | HCI | hyperconverged | infrastructure | storage |