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Navigating the rugged terrain of O&G networks

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Navigating the rugged terrain of O&G networks

By Natividad Pozzo-Knudsen, Sales Director of Nearby Computing

We are able to acknowledge, thanks to our most recent use cases, that most of the oil and gas industry operates in some of the most challenging and remote environments where reliable and secure network connectivity is not just a luxury, but a lifeline.

From sprawling offshore platforms to rugged onshore facilities, network teams in this sector face a daunting task of maintaining mission-critical communications, while also keeping pace with evolving technologies you could enter with iron footsteps along with NearbyOne, the hardware-agnostic orchestrator and automation solution that is redefining the way O&G companies approach their network management challenges.

And we know the unique needs of O&G networks are inherently complex, with a diverse array of technologies, vendors, and legacy systems that need to coexist seamlessly. And only a vendor-neutral architecture allows it to integrate seamlessly with 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G elements, as well as legacy systems such as copper plugged, so ensuring that your critical operations are never disrupted by technology silos or vendor lock-in is a must from your professional perspective.

As said, the harsh and remote nature of oil and gas facilities can often overwhelm network teams, who must contend with limited resources, extreme weather conditions, and the need for 24/7 uptime. Empowering your teams to thrive in such environments with a backed up and intuitive, user-friendly interface simplifies network management, enabling your team to quickly identify and resolve issues, while its automation capabilities free up valuable time and resources for more strategic initiatives.

In this thriving yet sturdy industry, network downtime can have catastrophic consequences, ranging from production losses to environmental disasters; ensuring uninterrupted connectivity for mission-critical ops with low latency, and a robust and resilient design, ensures that your mission-critical communications remain uninterrupted, even in the face of network disruptions or unexpected events.

About the author

Natividad Pozzo-Knudsen is the Sales Director of Nearby Computing, the company behind NearbyOne, the leading agnostic Edge-Computing Automation and Orchestration solution. With over 20 years of experience in the global B2B2C, both in the Commercial and IcT-IoT, BSS+OSS, world, Nat has a proven track record of establishing successful businesses cases, always maximizing the ROI and minimizing risks. She holds several business and technical degrees and certifications (and keeps on studying) making her a full-range global-view buss-tech professional.

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