IOTech launches new edge data platform for enterprises to utilize data at the edge

Open edge computing provider IOTech has announced the general availability of Edge Central, in a bid to enable organizations to acquire edge data, process it and use it for critical decision making.
Edge Central is an open edge data platform that allows businesses to build edge environments without the risk of vendor lock-in, according to the company.
A commercialized version of the EdgeX Foundry platform, Edge Central provides a number of capabilities including connectivity, data processing, as well as data flow to and from the cloud.
Speaking about the new platform, Andrew Foster, product director of IOTech, says: “There is tremendous value in edge data, but extracting that value can be extremely difficult, even for large industrial organizations.
“More of these organizations are looking for an Edge-as-a-Service experience where they can immediately leverage data to support new applications and use cases without having to spend months or years figuring out how to collect, process and manage it. Edge Central delivers that type of streamlined experience, empowering customers to innovate and use their edge data to support their broader business goals.”
According to the company, Edge Central also allows industrial organizations to derive ROI from their edge deployments and advance critical business objectives.
“Edge environments are often highly complex and heterogeneous. Taking a piecemeal, proprietary approach to building an edge deployment can be a slow process, fraught with costs and limitations imposed by single vendor solutions,” adds Dave McCarthy, research vice president at IDC.
“IOTech Edge Central is an open, comprehensive edge solution that makes it easier for companies to use best-of-breed services and grow their edge deployment at their own pace.”
Available now, Edge Central includes a scalable edge management capability that enables users to monitor edge nodes, configure, orchestrate, monitor and update their applications, and onboard their OT devices and sensors.
“Our customers’ journey usually begins with EdgeX Foundry. When these industrial companies start to research edge solutions, they find that an open architecture with an ecosystem of partners is the most attractive option,” Foster continues.
“They try experimenting with EdgeX, which quickly demonstrates the power of an open, agile platform. Once they’re ready to take the next step on their journey and begin deploying apps in full production, they come to IOTech and, with the help of platforms like Edge Central, are able to create a commercial quality edge solution.”
The Edge Central platform is hardware, operating system and processor agnostic, which aims to enable organizations to run it on their choice of edge computing device.
Article Topics
data | Edge as a Service | edge computing | edge data | IOTech