infra/STRUCTURE Summit 2023

infra/STRUCTURE is an exclusive industry summit bringing together executives from the Internet infrastructure ecosystem – cloud, data centre, edge computing and managed infrastructure. With a full Edge Computing track on October 4th.
This year’s event, infra/STRUCTURE 2023: RECALIBRATION, offers a platform for networking and candid discussions about the industry’s future. Join us in Toronto on October 4-5, 2023, to engage in conversations that shape the future of infrastructure services. With research and insights from industry leaders, infra/STRUCTURE fosters connections, knowledge exchange, and business opportunities for executives in this rapidly evolving sector.
Act now because this event is almost at capacity.
Platform Africa 2023
Article Topics
cloud computing | colocation | data center | data centre | digital infrastructure | edge computing | edge event | hyperscale | infra/STRUCTURE Summit 2023 | Structure Research