infra/STRUCTURE Summit 2022

September 14-15, 2022
Where cloud meets data centre and hyperscale meets edge. An exclusive industry summit that will bring together executives from across the Internet infrastructure ecosystem – cloud, data centre, edge and managed hosting – for high-value networking and a frank discussion about the industry’s status and future directions.
Service Providers, Data Center operators, MSPs, ISV and other operating executives get a FREE pass to the event with code: CSPMSP22. We will also distribute a FREE Market Share report to attendees.
The infrastructure services market lacks an industry event that is vendor-neutral and brings together under one roof all the key pieces – operators, developers, end users, suppliers and financiers – that are involved in the value chain. infra/STRUCTURE was built to create an environment where conversations happen, relationships are built and ultimately, deals are done – all against the backdrop of third party analysis and engaged discussion of the sector’s most pertinent issues and challenges. Today’s Internet infrastructure executive is busy. There is no better way to get multiple things done at one time and in one location. See you in Toronto!
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data center event | edge computing event | edge conference | edge event | edge summit | infra/STRUCTURE Summit 2022 | Structure Research