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EU invests €865 million to expand 5G and edge computing by 2027

EU invests €865 million to expand 5G and edge computing by 2027

The EU Commission announced it is investing 865 million euros ($935M USD) in digital infrastructure to enhance connectivity for citizens and companies by 2027.

The funding will focus on expanding 5G networks, modernizing backbone networks, and reducing energy consumption.

Projects aim to ensure every EU citizen and company is connected to 5G and gigabit systems by the Digital Decade 2030.

Investments will also improve submarine cables and quantum communication networks for better resilience and capacity.

The EU also wants to use the pot to finance the integration of cloud and edge computing capacities in sectors such as healthcare, manufacturing, transport and logistics.

There are also plans to introduce operational digital platforms to optimize energy consumption in transport and energy infrastructures.

The Connecting Europe Digital Program has already funded 65 projects, with a goal of investing up to two billion euros in connectivity infrastructure by 2027.

The European Commission also approved up to €1.2 billion (roughly $1.3B USD) in aid for a cloud and edge computing project back in 2023.

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