Edge Computing Fireside Chats: EdgeConnex and the evolution of the edge data center market

Edge Industry Review’s “Fireside Chats” series of video interviews kicked off 2022 with a series of interviews with data center providers. Next up in our series is EdgeConnex, one of the early entrants in the edge data center market.

In fact, it’s no stretch to call EdgeConnex a pioneer in the data center industry, having formed in 2009 and finished its first edge data center in 2013, long before the edge became a thing.

The company’s strategy is paying off with strong growth amid a push to build out data centers in new locations and in a less centralized fashion. A forecast from the State of the Edge 2021 report, a project under the auspices of the LF Edge group, has predicted that between 2019 and 2028, cumulative capital expenditures of up to $800 billion will be spent on new and replacement IT server equipment and edge computing facilities.

EQT Infrastructure acquired the company in late 2020. Since then, EdgeConnex has been rapidly building out new international partnerships and adding to its executive roster. We wanted to check in on EdgeConnex to see how the data center market has changed, and what might be next for the edge.

Edge Industry Review spoke to Phil Marangella, Chief Marketing and Product Officer at EdgeConneX, a global provider of sustainable data center solutions.

Marangella spoke about how the company’s positioning evolved over the years from serving NSPs to later seeing lots of growth driven by hyperscaler cloud providers. The interview also addressed topics such as:

  • What edge does (or doesn’t) mean to enterprise customers and what are the challenges for driving adoption.
  • A discussion about the company’s partnerships for international growth in markets such as India and China and how those buildouts represent a slightly different take on edge.
  • How the market is changing now that cell tower companies like American Tower and Crown Castle are making acquisitions and strategic partnerships in the edge data center space.

Marangella also touches on the company’s sustainability initiatives and his outlook on key drivers for market growth in 2022.

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