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Edge AI and Vision Alliance announce award winners; ClearBlade wins AI award

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Edge AI and Vision Alliance announce award winners; ClearBlade wins AI award

The Edge AI and Vision Alliance, an industry group of edge artificial intelligence (AI) and vision technology companies, announced the winners of its 2022 Edge AI and Vision Product of the Year Awards for achievers in the field.

For the best edge AI processor, Blaize’s Pathfinder P1600 Embedded System on Module which offers low power, low latency, and energy efficient AI inference workloads on the edge took the first prize.

For best camera or sensor, the Luxonis OAK-D-Lite won. The device is a camera capable of performing four tera operations per second, runs AI models, and sports computer vision features like edge detection and feature tracking. Brandon Gilles, CEO of Luxonis, says users of its products have found they can resolve their robotics problems instead of wrangling disparate hardware, firmware and software.

The best edge AI software or algorithm went to Sequitur Labs for its EmSPARK Security Site 3.0. Phil Attfield, CEO of the Fall City, Washington-based edge security firm, comments, “Edge AI is amazing… but only if it’s secure. Sequitur Labs continues to lead the way in protecting AI models at the edge.”

Edge Impulse won the best edge AI developer tool award for EON Compiler. Jan Jongboom, co-founder and chief technology officer, says EON Tuner is a “major breakthrough” in edge machine learning for its ability to select the best model for applications within the constraints of the target device to build the optimal machine learning pipeline for vision solutions.

The DesignWare ARC EV7xFS Processor IP for Functional Safety from Synopsys won for best automotive solution. John Koeter, senior vice president of marketing and strategy for IP at Synopsys, says the product enables automotive designs that can create “differentiated, safe, and secure” system-on-chips.

Best enterprise edge AI end product was awarded to Grabango’s Checkout-Free Technology. The company offers an app that tracks purchases made at a grocery store and checks out the cart without needing to scan items or make a payment at the store itself.

The best consumer edge AI end product award went to OrCam Technologies’ OrCam Read, a handheld digital reader that aids people with mild to moderate vision loss or people with reading difficulties. A text-to-speech function scans a page or screen for written content and operates on the edge with no data connectivity required, according to the company.

“This is the fifth year of our awards program and once again we were impressed with the number of high-quality entries across a broad range of product categories—from building-block technologies to ready-to-use solutions delivered directly to consumers and enterprises.” says Jeff Bier, founder of the Edge AI and Vision Alliance. “The popularity of our awards program is a testament to the diversity and accelerating expansion of edge AI and vision technologies into virtually every industry.”

ClearBlade takes award for AI from Compass Intelligence

ClearBlade added another achievement to its trophy cabinet as the company announced it was the winner of the Artificial Intelligence: Enterprise Solution award from Compass Intelligence for its Intelligent Assets software.

Intelligent Assets is an application that leverages internet of things (IoT), AI, and edge computing to track and monitor assets associated with an enterprise and provides data to build AI models. It performs actions like tracking the real-time location of inventory, smart monitoring of gauges, and intelligent video to keep an eye on occupancy and ingress. It is currently in use by clients in the transportation, water, energy, agriculture, facilities, and telecommunications industries, according to ClearBlade.

The company also won the ‘Edge Computing Company of the Year’ award from Compass Intelligence for the second year in a row in 2021, and the 2020 CompassIntel IoT Innovation award in intelligent transportation.

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