Deutsche Telekom unit launches OpenStack-based edge platform for IoT applications

T-systems, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, has launched a low-latency edge computing platform for real-time IoT applications to ensure customers have access to secure, high-performance data processing.
Dubbed EdgAIR, the platform is based on OpenStack and lets IoT applications run as virtual machines or as independent microservices in Docker containers coordinated via Kubernetes. The equipment can be deployed as a pole mount, ruggedized rack or a standard rack.
“In combination with Time Sensitive Networks (TSN) and a very good service level agreement, our managed platform, EdgAIR, can meet requirements such as real-time control of machines in a production hall,” said Albert Kroisleitner, senior product manager of Edge Platform & Solutions at T-Systems in a prepared statement.
EdgAIR was designed to help companies managing applications in different sectors including production, building automation, automotive, energy and logistics, such as automated guiding vehicles and virtual reality solutions. It behaves like a private cloud that can be connected to a campus network to deliver edge analytics and near real-time data transfers between devices. While it runs on a closed enterprise network, the solution can be deployed in a hybrid cloud architecture that is integrated with a public cloud. As part of designing to the more stringent requirements of these industries, EdgeAir can handle system anomaly scenarios, allowing each event to be dealt with independently without having to shut the entire system down.
German company Osram is the first to partner with Deutsche Telekom on the EdgAIR project and benefit from a campus network. Osram will soon switch to 5G connectivity from its current 4G LTE, according to T-Systems.
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Deutsche Telekom | IIoT | open source | OpenStack | T-Systems