Croquet aims to change edge compute game with “collaboration platform” offering new capabilities for interactive experiences

Croquet Corporation, a Los Angeles, CA-based startup, has released two new tools to foster real-time, multi-user collaboration for both web and mobile applications. The company is aiming to make a play for what it calls “edge collaboration” services.

The first of the tools is the Croquet Collaboration Platform, a fast reflector-based network with latency as low as 10-15ms and a dedicated edge collaboration protocol and synchronization service.

According to Croquet, the core functions of the application run on the client-side, with users operating a shared virtual machine offering a replicated computation model that enables ultra-low latency, low bandwidth synchronization and instantaneous interactions.

During operation, events generated using the applications are sent to an Edge Reflector, the architectural center of the Croquet infrastructure, which then redistributes it to each session participant’s replicated virtual machine with reportedly extremely low latency.

For context, reflectors are snippets of software located on the Edge and spun up or down as needed to support high-performance sessions.

A diagram showing how Croquet’s edge reflectors sync experiences between users

A diagram showing how Croquet’s edge reflectors sync experiences between users.
Source: Croquet

Commenting on the news, Croquet said its reflectors are located all around the globe and are designed to work with existing online and mobile networks, including 5G networks.

The second tool released by Croquet is the PiiX (Photo Instantaneous Interactive Experience) free reference app. PiiX works by scanning a QR code, which will open a collaborative annotation web app designed for real-time image manipulation.

“We believe that all future applications should be collaborative – including apps for productivity, social collaboration, telemedicine, sports, interactive marketing, AR/VR, SaaS, gaming, you name it,” commented David A. Smith, founder & CTO of Croquet in a statement.

The development of the technology behind both solutions has been led by Smith, together with Croquet co-founders Vanessa Freudenberg, Aran Lunzer, Yoshiki Ohshima, and Brian Upton.

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