ClearBlade offers edge data streaming for Google Cloud

Industrial IoT Platform and Edge Computing software company ClearBlade has announced a technology collaboration with Google Cloud for edge data integration into the Google Cloud Pub/Sub service. The ClearBlade Edge Data Pub/Sub feature allows for critical edge information coming from connected devices and machines to rapidly be flowed into consuming cloud services and other enterprise business processes. The feature is available out of the box for users of ClearBlade and Google Cloud to move high speed edge data into a decoupled message service for processing as desired.
Pub/Sub is a HIPAA-compliant service, offering fine-grained access controls and end-to-end encryption. Google Cloud-native integrations take advantage of integrations with multiple services, such as Cloud Storage and Gmail update events and Cloud Functions for serverless event-driven computing. Developers using Pub/Sub are able to rapidly implement stream analytics that allow for data enrichment and Artificial Intelligence (AI) training. With a service level agreement (SLA) of 99.99% customers can rely on Google Cloud to provide them insights when and where their customers and users need them.
“With the ClearBlade Edge Data Pub/Sub feature customers now have the ability to connect all types of devices, process the hot data with leading edge compute, and easily make it available for anyone in the cloud” explains Eric Simone Founder and CEO, ClearBlade. “The serverless design makes management simple along with integration to top AI and data lake capabilities available for enterprises to understand what is happening in their business. The offering is a major value to companies that are attempting to digitize their businesses by having a better understanding of what is happening in the field.”
This partnership brings the Google Cloud Pub/Sub streaming capability together with ClearBlade’s Edge Data platform to enable rapid deployment of highly configurable, enterprise grade IoT solutions that create and stream many Terabytes of data. The result is a rapidly scaled IIoT solution, with all the tools necessary to manage an unbounded and growing dataset. Google Pub/Sub with ClearBlade’s software platform lets enterprises scale IoT solutions to millions of devices and distribute that information without complexity or risk.
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ClearBlade | edge analytics | edge data | Google Cloud | streaming data