5G Future Forum to release MEC edge computing specs, aiming to ease integration with AWS, hyperscalers

promote the development of open source solutions for edge computing.

The 5G Future Forum, a group of global 5G leaders accelerating the delivery of Multi-access Edge Computing-enabled solutions around the world, announced it will release its first technical specifications to its members in the third quarter of 2020, a major step forward in enabling global interoperability for 5G and Multi-access Edge Computing deployment to deliver efficient and innovative services to end customers.

There are two major sets of technical specifications. The “MEC Experience Management” technical specification defines a set of intent-based APIs for functional exposure of edge and workload discovery with potential expansion to include future MEC functions and capabilities which are driven by network intelligence. The “MEC Deployment” defines the set of specifications to enable hyperscalers and service providers to deploy and integrate global MEC physical frameworks, including facilities, monitoring, operational considerations, and security.

The 5G Future Forum was established in January 2020 by América Móvil, KT Corp., Rogers, Telstra, Verizon, and Vodafone to develop 5G interoperability specifications to accelerate the delivery of 5G and MEC solutions around the world. Over the past six months, the Forum’s founding members have been working to create the governance structure for the 5GFF, as well as develop both technical and commercial workstreams.

The technical specifications are the first outputs from the technical workstream, which brings together technologists from all member telecommunications service providers. They are designed for 5G telecommunication service providers, cloud service providers, OEMs, developers, and enterprises.

The specifications will be released in August 2020. Following release of the specifications, the Forum anticipates expanding its membership to qualified new entrants. Other topics are being planned among the existing members with publication timeframes to be communicated shortly.

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