5G Open Innovation Lab continues expansion with e& Group and 14 startups

5G Open Innovation Lab (5G OI Lab) has announced that e&, an international telecommunications company, has joined the Lab’s innovation…


TM Forum report shows R&D gap between CSP, cloud providers, impact on ‘techco’ transformation

Communications service providers (CSPs) have a desire to become more like high-flying technology companies (techco, in industry parlance), but spending…


Arm works to slash time-to-build for IoT with virtual hardware, new ecosystem initiative

Arm has unveiled Arm Total Solutions for IoT, a unique approach to Internet of Things (IoT) design that, according to the…


Nokia selected for private 5G in Turkey, opens O-RAN test center in US

Consumer durables and electronics manufacturer Arçelik Global has signed a strategic business agreement with Nokia and Türk Telekom to deploy the first private wireless network…


Atos builds global R&D lab for cybersecurity, HPC and quantum computing

Atos has officially opened its new global Research & Development Lab in Les Clayes-sous-Bois, in the greater Paris metropolitan area,…

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