edge PaaS new edge security option highlights value to CenturyLink

Edge software vendor Inc. has released a content security policy module, which it says is another defensive tool in…


Solace, MobiledgeX get on the message bus for 5G and edge computing

Two players in edge software are partnering to create personalized, 5G mobility safety and convenience services for use in vehicles….


Rancher Labs’ top end grows to 2,000 Kubernetes clusters

It is all (or at least mostly) about scaling up with Rancher 2.4, which has been released by Rancher Labs…


Mutable clinches new seed funding for public edge cloud tech

Mutable Inc., an early player in public edge cloud technology, has closed a $1.5 million seed round of funding. It…


March ends like a lion for edge-related news from CDN vendors

Three product announcements from content delivery network vendors CenturyLink, StackPath, and Limelight Networks that touch on edge services popped up…


Google aims to grease the skids for telcos uncertain about edge systems

Alphabet’s Google Cloud unit this month announced a strategy that it hopes will pull cautious telcos off the sidelines of…


GSMA launches Edge Cloud initiative to build telecom platform for harnessing assets

The GSMA has launched an initiative with a broad coalition of participants to build an interoperable edge cloud platform for…

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