Streamlining Edge Operations Webinar

edge computing


IBM Edge Application Manager is an intelligent and flexible platform that provides autonomous management for edge computing. A single administrator…


Security research roundup: survival at the edge of digital and physical threats

Expect a digital Darwinian battle of the fittest as digital and physical environments clash. Over the next two years, companies…


Holography startups partner to help 3D displays proliferate at the device edge

Two startups in London say they are partnering to accelerate the development of holographic systems for consumer applications. VividQ Ltd….


Empower your edge for cloud

While enterprise cloud adoption continues to grow rapidly, a number of significant obstacles remain for enterprise deployments including concerns about…


Empower your edge for cloud

While enterprise cloud adoption continues to grow rapidly, a number of significant obstacles remain for enterprise deployments including concerns about…


The evolution and complexity of the games industry applied at the edge and in the cloud

Due to the size of the games industry and popularity across all platforms from consoles, PC and mobile devices, as…


The evolution and complexity of the games industry applied at the edge and in the cloud

This report contains a look at the differing affordances of games to help shed a light on the challenges that…


The benefits of edge cloud on-ramps for CSPs and end users

This paper will look at the public cloud’s performance, security and cost issues and examine what can be done to…


The benefits of edge cloud on-ramps for CSPs and end users

This paper will look at the public cloud’s performance, security and cost issues and examine what can be done to…


Edge computing-related security, smart cities investments a bright spot in cloudy VC outlook

The first PwC/CB Insights MoneyTree report for 2020 shows that venture funding for so-called emerging areas, which includes a number…

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