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Search Results for: edge AI


Now open: Future Technologies and Intel announce Innovation Center in Atlanta

Future Technologies and Intel have partnered to create an Innovation Center in Atlanta, GA to accelerate the innovation process and…

DataQube Global

DataQube Global is a disruptive start up poised to change the face of the data centre landscape. Founded in 2020…


Avassa empowers companies to bridge the gap between modern containerized applications development and operations and distributed edge infrastructure. With their…


Luna, JumpWatts leap at chance to explore Smart City micro-mobility solutions

Irish ‘smart scooter’ technology company Luna has announced a partnership with U.S. based company JUMPWatts with the aim of combining…


Ford updates 5G roll out in the UK with Vodafone

Vodafone has installed a private 5G network at one of Ford Motor’s electric vehicle plants in the UK. With the…


AT&T Clouds Up Microsoft Deal: “We are not outsourcing our core network function”

When AT&T announced recently that Microsoft was buying its 5G Network Cloud core software and moving it to Microsoft’s cloud,…


Artemis Vision uses OnLogic hardware for logistics, other machine vision applications

Artemis Vision Creates Advanced Machine Vision Solutions Using OnLogic Computers OnLogic has revealed that machine vision experts Artemis Vision are…


DataBank preps for fifth data center in hot Denver market

DataBank has announced the purchased an existing light industrial facility located at 6961 S. Quentin Street in Centennial CO. The…


Adlink joins O-RAN Alliance for 5G interoperability

ADLINK Technology has joined the O-RAN ALLIANCE as a Community Member to actively contribute to the ALLIANCE mission to bring intelligent, open, virtualized and…


New Mango platform for IoT integration ripe and ready for release from Radix

Radix IoT has released its Mango Series 4 platform, claiming that this upgrade positions Mango Series 4 as the most reliable IoT platform on…

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