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Search Results for: edge AI


Equinix increases temperature in its data centers to reduce environmental impact

Equinix, a global data center provider, announced an initiative to increase the operating temperature in all of its data centers…


Nokia deploys 4.9G LTE private network at Port STI in Chile

Nokia has announced the deployment of an industrial-grade LTE private network in Port San Antonio Terminal Internacional (STI) in Chile….


Monarch Tractor produces electric smart tractor — with Nvidia GPU power

The first batch of Monarch Tractor’s MK-V founder series electric, driver-optional, smart tractors have completed production at the company’s Livermore,…


Zenlayer awarded AWS Partner of the Year 2022 in two categories

Zenlayer, an edge cloud provider, was recently given two awards at the AWS Partner Awards Gala during re:Invent. The company…


Cloudflare revamps pricing structure to accelerate network and feature expansion

Cloudflare, a cloud-based security and performance service provider, has announced a change in pricing plans that will affect their Pro…


Vodafone, Kapsch help transform Ibiza into a ‘smart’ island, protecting its beaches, forests and seabeds

Vodafone and Kapsch have recently teamed up with the Ibiza Regional Council to transform Ibiza into a ‘smart’ island. The…


Zenlayer, Syntropy collaborate to improve Web 3.0 with low-latency network

Syntropy, a Web3 network software company, has partnered with Zenlayer to give users access to high-performing network services in emerging…


Software AG Government Solutions, DH2i to help federal cloud uptime via Kubernetes

DH2i, a provider of always-on IT infrastructure, has partnered with Software AG Government Solutions to offer solutions for complex IT…


Micron expands its silicon root-of-trust security solutions with the Authenta cloud platform

Micron, a semiconductor manufacturer, has expanded its IoT security offerings by introducing the Authenta cloud platform. The company’s solution helps…


Exame, Azion launch real-time Black Friday traffic map; Azion offers new developer product suite

Exame, in partnership with the edge computing platform Azion, has created a map that visualizes data from some of Brazil’s…

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