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Market Research

Coverage of the market analysis, statistics, forecasts and research reports for all areas of the edge computing ecosystem, including hardware, software, services, application segments and verticals, technology types and network layers. Research on closely related fields, such as artificial intelligence, IoT, and networking protocols such as 5G will also be included.


Ransomware attaches headline IoT security trends report from Nozomi Labs

As IoT data production increases on the cloud and at the edge, cyberattacks are on the rise, making the necessity…


AT&T report shines spotlight on edge security, including 5G networks

AT&T recently issued a new report called “2022 Securing the Edge” in which the US carrier surveyed over a thousand…


CNCF, SlashData’s survey reveals edge developers’ cloud and infrastructure choices

SlashData’s “State of Cloud-Native Development Report”, sponsored by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), annually surveys tens of thousands of…


IDC says edge computing spend to reach $274B, highlights key drivers

Market research firm International Data Corporation (IDC) released revised figures that forecast worldwide spending on edge computing to reach $176…


Survey suggests growing impact of AI on lives globally, but who trusts AI?

A new survey conducted by research company Ipsos for the World Economic Forum (WEF) suggests people believe artificial intelligence (AI)…


STL Partners says telecom edge data centers to grow 107% by 2025, driven by hyperscaler partnerships

A new report published by STL Partners has estimated the global deployment of edge data centers by telecom providers will…


Study shows AI/ML is top workload for Kubernetes; edge IoT projects on the rise

There are two things that IT professionals seem to agree on: Kubernetes is a useful, widely used technology for managing…


Companies expect budgets for edge computing projects to grow by 25% in 2022

ZEDEDA recently revealed that 77% of recent survey respondents expect to increase spending on edge computing projects in 2022. The…


Eclipse Foundation survey shows edge AI is top workload as edge and IoT use gains traction

The Eclipse Foundation, which is home to several widely used IoT open source projects, has brought out a survey of…


IT budgets growth driven by edge computing and artificial intelligence: Gartner survey

A new survey by Gartner has shown an increasing number of chief information officers (CIOs) are expected to increase IT…

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