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Market Research

Coverage of the market analysis, statistics, forecasts and research reports for all areas of the edge computing ecosystem, including hardware, software, services, application segments and verticals, technology types and network layers. Research on closely related fields, such as artificial intelligence, IoT, and networking protocols such as 5G will also be included.


Equideum Health, Nokia Bell Labs to research edge devices for Web3 data

Equideum Health and Nokia Bell labs formed a research partnership to explore the applications of data generated from wearables and…


Edge computing services revenue to reach $214B by 2026: Omdia

A market forecast by Omdia predicts that the 2026 revenue from edge computing services will more than double the current…


Researchers open up ‘green IoT’ devices based on improvements to magnetic RAM

A team of researchers at Tokyo University of Science say they have discovered a method to correct a disturbance source…


IDC reports strong investment support for edge solutions over next two years

In IDC Research’s newest EdgeView 2022 survey, technology analysts reported there will be a continued increase in investment for edge…


IDC says security, resilience are top reasons enterprises are moving to edge, but operational challenges remain

Schneider Electric has unveiled findings from a newly commissioned IDC White Paper entitled Succeeding at Digital First Connected Operations that…


IoT Analytics adjusts IoT forecast for 2021

IoT Analytics, a market research firm covering IoT, AI, cloud, edge, and Industry 4.0, reported that the enterprise IoT market…


DHS report outlines promise of 5G to 6G migration, highlights security risk of ORAN, supply chain

Since the introduction of the first cellular network in the late 1970s, few, if any, technology areas have advanced as…


Research by Salt Security suggests substantial increase in API attacks in last 12 months

Edge computing architecture aims to be open and programmable. Application programming interfaces (APIs) are part of that infrastructure and, as…


Vertiv survey shows enterprise expansion of edge infrastructure at the expense of legacy data centers

A new survey by critical infrastructure systems provider Vertiv suggested the edge component of the data center ecosystem will see…


Omdia survey suggests data centers can help the electric grid with sustainable energy

A new survey by research group Omdia has suggested data center operators will deploy uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) that will…

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