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Market Research

Coverage of the market analysis, statistics, forecasts and research reports for all areas of the edge computing ecosystem, including hardware, software, services, application segments and verticals, technology types and network layers. Research on closely related fields, such as artificial intelligence, IoT, and networking protocols such as 5G will also be included.


Cloud data breaches rise amid increasing multicloud adoption and complexity: survey

A survey of almost 2,800 security professionals and executive leaders from around the world has uncovered an increase in the…


5G MEC latency needs disconnected from customer demand: market study

A market report from Spirent Communications and STL Partners suggests there is a disconnect between what customers of edge computing…


Software publishers vulnerable to supply chain risks: market survey

Despite widespread concern about the perils of software supply chain risks, most publishers remain vulnerable to software supply chain attacks,… named as ‘Cool’ edge computing problem solver by Gartner was named one of the four edge computing vendors making strides to solve the primary edge computing challenges by…


TM Forum report shows R&D gap between CSP, cloud providers, impact on ‘techco’ transformation

Communications service providers (CSPs) have a desire to become more like high-flying technology companies (techco, in industry parlance), but spending…


MobiledgeX acquisition shows hope for edge ecosystem nurturers: STL Partners

Google Cloud’s acquisition of MobiledgeX gives hope for companies aspiring to foster an edge ecosystem outside of big players like…


WEF says ethical AI assists with predictive maintenance in Brazil’s public sector

A pilot program organized by the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Brazil involving the country’s largest health complex and the…


Gartner predicts emerging cloud sustainability tech will be adopted by 2025

With environmental sustainability taking on an increasingly larger focus for corporate decision-making, corporate research firm Gartner says among the three…


HPE Swarm Learning uses blockchain, edge data to create privacy-preserving ML solution

Hewlett Packard Enterprise has announced the launch of HPE Swarm Learning, a privacy-preserving framework to increase accuracy and reduce bias…


STL Partners develops sustainability scorecard for telecoms

Telecom consultancy STL Partners released a sustainability scorecard to grade telecoms on the maturity of their progress on environmental goals…

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