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Spiral Blue

Space Edge Computing

Spiral Blue is a Sydney-based SME leading the next generation of onboard processing with artificial intelligence and Space Edge Computing. Spiral Blue technology has applications in agriculture, defence, city planning, utilities, and other industries. The success of the Space Edge One (SE-1) computer, operating flawlessly in orbit since April 2023, has made the organisation the first Australian company in history to develop and operate AI hardware in space. In addition to SE-1, Spiral Blue has previously launched three Space Edge Zero prototypes, with an additional six SE-1 computers scheduled for launch in 2024, bringing the total number of computers in orbit to ten.

Spiral Blue Recent News


Spiral Blue rolls out space edge computing and AI in Australia

Spiral Blue has launched AI algorithms to operate from space with operational data that is available to Australians. This technology…

Feb 11, 2022

SpaceX delivers Spiral Blue nano-satellites to orbit for ‘space’ edge computing

Australian company Spiral Blue announced that it has launched its Space Edge Zero Computers in the space on the board…

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