Streamlining Edge Operations Webinar

Articles By Natividad Pozzo-Knudsen

Natividad Pozzo-Knudsen is the Sales Director of Nearby Computing, the company behind NearbyOne, the leading agnostic Edge-Computing Automation and Orchestration solution. With over 20 years of experience in the global B2B2C, both in the Commercial and IcT-IoT, BSS+OSS, world, Nat has a proven track record of establishing successful businesses cases, always maximizing the ROI and minimizing risks. She holds several business and technical degrees and certifications (and keeps on studying) making her a full-range global-view buss-tech professional.

By Natividad Pozzo-Knudsen, Sales Director of Nearby Computing We are able to acknowledge, thanks to our most recent use cases,…

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